Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What Makes a Family

A family is made up of parents and children... but what makes those individual people live in a home together in harmony? Family is about others, not yourself. For example, being part of a family is 
Daddy hugging little sister who has the flu to comfort her,
Older brother eating a sandwich so the other kids could have the much-wanted leftovers,
Older sister babysitting the little kids so the other older siblings could go to a friend's house,
Little sister not arguing back when the other sibling was clearly in the wrong,
Little brother considerately taking time to listen to grandma,
Mommy daily sacrificing ________ (you fill the black!) to spend time with her children,
One spouse spending their vacation time with in-laws for the other spouse's sake... (etc!)

Being part of a family is sacrificing in regard to others' interests, not living for our own pleasures. 
Even in the little things. Especially in the little things.

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